Porirua Montessori Primary School

Porirua Primary School Enrolment

We want to make sure that Porirua Montessori is the right fit for your family. Montessori has been used with children around the world with a variety of learning needs, neurotypes, religions, disabilities, economic backgrounds, family types, and cultures. 


We are not zoned. Anyone from Porirua or beyond is welcome.

Our enrolment process can be seen here


We have a tiered donation scheme. You choose the amount you will donate per term.

Donations are per child

We currently have the following spaces available:

$3000 per term –  spaces available

$1500 per term – spaces available

$ 500 per term – no spaces available 

$ 300 per term – no spaces available

Full scholarships – no spaces available

Donations are due before the start of each term and before an enrolment will be accepted.
A 10% discount is offered for the second and third child from the same household.
As a private school we receive limited government funds (less than $1000 per child per year) and do not get funding for the buildings or to pay staff wages.